My latest orchid creation was inspired by Georgia O'Keefe & the Kathleen orchid. I call it Kathleen O’Keefe -Acrylics - in a wrap around painted canvas ready to hang 24x30 for $800

Oil Canvas 24 x 30 Available for $ 800 Wayuu Woman with Orchids" Celebrating International Women's Day - The Wayuu women of Columbia and Venezuela thrive with their independence by creating beautiful hand crafted designed bags for all the women of the world to enjoy My inspiration is the orchid " Cattleya Pot Chief Sweet Orange"

SOLD - Island Friend - The orchid is inspired by the Blc. Dora Louise Capen Lea. This painting I made for the 2023 Pride Prism art show Acrylics 24x 30

SOLD - Oils 24 x 30 Inspired by psychilis macconnelliae” aka by Sandy Point Orchid and Peacock Orchid.. they are very small and colorful and they are an orchid species native to Puerto Rico in the islands of Vieques and Culebra, and also found in The British and US Virgin Islands.

24 x 30 - " Orange Cattleya Orchids"

SOLD - Acrylics 20 x 20 This piece is a bit of a fantasy / avant-garde. My client said: “I have this photo I took at a sushi restaurant of an orchid and lemon slice for garnish on my plate. Could you paint it for me if I show you the photos?

When your friends ask you to paint them a painting with some orchids. One of the first things I ask is “what are your favorite colors” or “what is the color scheme of your house”. They said “Coral Colors “ It was an easy task because one of the most beautiful coral color orchids known are the ” Blc. George King `Serendipity'” This made my task easy because I love the subtle coral/peachy tones this orchid has on the outer petals and the strong reds and yellows the center has. I was trying to use

SOLD - Oils 24 x 30 A commissioned Orchid painting inspired by Toshie Aoki x Apricot Flare Bay

The Greek myth of Orchis unfolds in this painting inspired by the orchids growing at our Botanical Garden.

Commissioned Piece done in Acrylics 20" Round

A collage oil painting of the Venezuelan landscape fantasy Orchid Oils 24 x 36 Private Collection

Inspired by a friend's blooming orchids and the ruins of the island. 24 x 36 Oils - Private Collection

Inspired by the Miami Orchid Show Acrylics 24 x 30 Private Collection

16 x 20 My inspiration was my Mom and her love of this Lilac colored Orchids " Cattleya lueddemanniana" Private Collection

Watercolors 9 x 12 Assemble of White and Red Orchids Private Collection